Monday, March 22, 2010

Lonely amidst the mortals

Lonely amidst the mortals
for it doesnt ring the bell in me
how does one convey the warmth in-grain
left to be wondered loud in the bleak
in the bleak grim ocean that swarms around .....

It is interesting to note how loneliness often creeps upon, sneaking and whispering all along. Well I do understand it is a common phenomenon among the masses and generally speaking, has absolutely nothing to do with the caliber and quality of  the mortality around us. Now the fatal question to be asked is, why does it happen. Upon much deliberation, which has in fact consumed a chuck of past few hours of mine...shine it upon me that maybe...possibly ..well I know it has been written before, and yes this may sound just as a cohesion with thoughts of the like...but to come back..maybe..possibly...the loneliness creeps upon us due to that constitution within, which haunts and dissects us upon every passing moment...judging and passing verdicts unsought....

Now to note, how our mind tricks us to imagine upon the persona of another individual...calculating and adding, subtracting and who knows what all arrive at that juncture, that in fact.... the one in front is the kind, with whom association can be built, and developed upon..and in time garnished with the lot of love and trust and like all along...

It is this juncture where fallacy often takes over. Now, 'judgment of first look' as many would term it, is by what people perceive the other individual just now met. Based on many a learning from past, this becomes a fairly well-structured assumption methodology which in time develops well and supports the entire structure of building relationships. But, unfortunately, bereft souls do exist as well, who are unable to pass such a judgment on not even the third, if not the first of the sighting of an fresh human contact. It is there, where the major debacles and shattering happen...for all the foundations of judgment shaken up and get structured as analysis and development of the character happens with passing hours and seconds of dime.

And it is at the end of such an ill sought adventure, left to the realizes the enormity of the task of identifying the color of the other soul in front of our eyes. If only, they all shone in the same light...

if only those who shone together never parted
if only those who could whisper in silence hung around for long
for only when you are not with them
does one realize the import of that one friend
with whom silence of hours endless was musical 
enough to lighten the darkness of all souls as under...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice blog to read...