Thursday, March 4, 2010

Enchantment of marriage...

What to do...what to do...
stuck on the question of love
should one stir with passions alone
or let the mind do its work....
the eternal mystery as to why to wed
the eternal bliss and agony on self
how consequential would it be
would long-term become a symphony
choosing the one for the vows eternal
or letting the moments pick out as you surrender
unlike all that you decide every now and then
and like that which can shake the very base
we all end up at this one juncture
when abdicated are the joys of lonliness
and self-owned we stand in the trials and tests
conversant as I stand knowing both side of the jest
knowing what befalls once you take the step
yet untrodden paths call out with grace
for long overdue life and death
this one shot talk sure makes a lot of mess
and I am still stuck on the behest
stop should I my trusted to take this path
or bless them with the joy of unspoken spells to be cast
would happiness knock at the door tomorrow
oh yes I hope with all heart that it would stand the test of morrow....

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