Thursday, March 4, 2010

Nuances of social discussion....

Tick tack...talking and whispering.....hush notes or bright laugh....i know u know....the fabulous high-pitched discussions and connections, intermingling of thoughts and is an art as I discover over the long hours spent observing and assimilating the behaviors of specimens around me....and I have been curious to discover what exactly is that mystical potion that once adopted in the system of discussion would grant you for sure an absolute mastery on the vocab and thoughts of those at your discretion.....

It has often happened with me that I have sat across the table with really interesting people and absolutely ran out of discussion now..yes as you would suggest too...of course I tried the tried-and-tested path often trodden..that of asking the other of which they want to talk about and be a well-fed listener to all of that which would be dispersed....but could you believe the irony of it all..often I have been bereft of even the topics of interest for the other to poke and prick for hours long...

they say it aint that difficult...but if you ask me it sure is mystical....i have witnessed the grace of many..those gifted beings who have the flair for it you see...they can be conversant with everyone the perfect listener and the momentous soul-buddy you had searched all that my friend is something praiseworthy...knowing well how to chat up..knowing what would fly with the gust of enthusiasm with every other of this species....

but as I wonder and ponder over it for long...wondering how is the perfect host or hostess it a skill one can imbibe and mask-on or is it a lofty blessing only few are burdened be carried and tampered with for long...and kill the weary hours between strangers known and unknown...

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